About my portfolio

This portfolio website has been developed to share more about my experience, the technologies which I have used throughout my software development journey and what I am passionate about.

Technologies used to develop and deploy this web portfolio:

This portfolio is to share as much as information about myself that in an interview or in my CV, may not be shared due to the flow, time and space of the latter.

I have enjoyed every single bit of this project like every other projects I have worked on, and learning and improving do not stop here, so I welcome you to leave a feedback if any.


Fullstack Software Developer (2020 - 2024)

● 3+ years of professional development experience

● 3+ years of personal development experience

For the past years, as a full stack software developer, using various software development technologies, I've independently and as a team, developed different type of software applications for web, mobile and other devices, acquiring a lot of knowlegde and understanding of the use, different aspects and choices of technologies, and I'm still keeping in touch with the new updates and features for the technologies I've an interest with. My most used tech stack has been .NET for backend, React Native for mobile applications and ASP.NET Razor MVC + Angular for web applications, not including DevOps tools.

For more information about the technologies I have used so far, please view the 'Programming Skills' and 'Software Skills' sections.

Other than that, for my personal CV or any other informations, kindly contact me.


Hi, I'm available to be contacted.

For any additional information or job opportunity, please contact me via email 'contact@krapp.dev', and I will do the needful to reach you back and we may have a conversation.